Co-Director: Bill Minter (802) 345-5728 Co-Director: Kendra McGuire (802) 730-7497
Educator: Jamie Cousineau (802) 458-2275
We had a blast enjoying food hot off the grill and snacks that families brought at our pot luck, thank you for coming! We hope you all enjoyed a restful vacation full of quality family time over break. Students that attended our Vacation Discovery days returned to the VINS center, fished at the Fly Rod Shop, and explored every feature at Playground 2000! Please note that Apple Tree is closed on May 29th for Memorial Day.
Current last day of school at SES is June 9 for Kindergarteners and June 14 for grades 1-5.
Vacation Discoveries
Our last dates of Vacation Discovery for this school year will be June 12-16. We are offering full day Discovery on 6/12 and 13 for Kindergarteners only. (As well as Afterschool as usual). Wednesday 6/14 we are offering a full day Discovery for Kindergarteners and a half day for grades 1-5. June 6/15 & 16 we are offering full day Discoveries for K-5.
6/12 K only – Rec Path Riding (AM Drop off at ATLC, Pick up at SES)
6/13 K only – Smugglers Notch (AM Drop off at ATLC, Pick up at SES)
6/14 K-5 – Half Day Hubbard Park (PM Pick up at ATLC)
6/15 K-5 – Aussable Chasm (AM drop off and PM pick-up at ATLC)
6/16 K-5 Lake Elmore (AM drop off and PM pick-up at ATLC)
Register for Vacation Discoveries HERE
Offsite Activities
Canoeing is available for 1st graders and up on Wednesdays from May 10th to June 7th. We will grab canoes and life jackets at the Moscow access and ply the shallow waters of the West Branch and the Waterbury Reservoir.
Register for Offsite Activities HERE
Summer Camp
Registration is live. Many weeks are full, but some others still have room. Please review our Summer Camp page on the website for updates on the schedule including confirmed onsite themes for the summer.
Afterschool 2023-2024
Registration for Afterschool 2023-24 is now available outside of afterschool families. If you still need a space please join the waitlist and we hope to offer more spaces soon.
May Schedule
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
Group Games | STEM projects / Street Hockey | Stream Discovery | Rec Path Roll | Forts and Fires |
Mini Worlds | Offsite: Fishing | Offsite: Canoeing | Bikes to front of school racks | Film |
Please remember that pick-up from Afterschool is between 5:00-5:30. If you need to pick up before 5:00 please contact us in advance and plan where to meet us.
Scroll for photos!
Bill and Kendra