MES September Newsletter

MES September Newsletter

Afterschool has kicked off with lots of fun adventures! We have been busy exploring the woods and building forts, searching for frogs by the pond and we completed our first treasure hunt on Friday. Other favorite choices have included cooking, clay creations, and bracelet making. In response to our student surveys last Spring, we are offering a group sport each day. Right now we have a strong group of soccer players that face off each day. Coming up we will begin a biking group on Tuesdays and a scootering group on Wednesdays. Each day students will choose between exploring the woods, group sports and other activities listed below. These will change throughout the year, based on student interest.

Monday: Bracelet Making, Tuesday: Biking, Wednesday: Scootering / Skating, Thursday: Cooking, Friday: Clay Creations

Don’t forget we offer full day programming when school is closed! Our first field trip was to the VINS center where we learned about raptors and climbed the boardwalk and treetop tower. Join us for a half day program on September 27th. Please register online HERE.

We have our Harvest Social on Thursday 9/26 from 4-5:30pm, we hope many families can attend! Join us for some apple cider, snacks and games in the gym.

An important reminder to please message, email or call if you would like to pick up your child before 5pm so we can plan accordingly. (802) 730-7497,

Also please note that per our lice policy, children may not attend afterschool if they have nits or lice present. When the school notifies us of cases in your child’s classroom we will regularly perform head checks at the start of afterschool. If there are nits or lice present, we will call you to request pickup. 

With the increase of mosquitoes carrying viruses, we invite you to send your child with bug spray to afterschool and bring long sleeved layers. We will avoid areas of water and decrease our time in the woods as needed.

Lastly please note that if your child is suspended from the school, they may not attend afterschool or vacation camp dates until that suspension has ended per the suspension requirements. You will still be responsible for your child’s regular tuition regardless of attendance.

We hope you are enjoying these last warm sunny days as much as we are!


Kendra Atlak